Paging Dr. Data: Driving Better Relationships with Smarter Segmentation

Moderator Hans Kaspersetz, president and chief strategist, Arteric

Gabrielle Bedewi, chief analytics officers, Butler/Till
Brian Deffaa, CMO, LifeBridge Health
Justin Freid, EVP, managing director, CMI/Compas
Shonel Morrison, associate media director, AstraZeneca

Hans: How to create life-changing experiences for people. Number of challenges. Few years ago we would spend time talking about things we couldn't do yet. On data, personalization, we're at that stage again. Privacy, siloing issues. Agree? Disagree?

Justin: We've gotten over a big hump. In pharma space there was a lot of pushback. There are people internally that understand marketing, data. Great to have internal advocate to speak to regulatory. Now, most of pharma companies over that hump. Personalized messaging. We're definitely taking that next step.

Shonel: working with regulatory partners, get them on your side, work on other folks later. People are more than just a patient, they're just like us. Shift in terms of healthcare, personalization and getting smarter with the way we advertise.

Gabrielle: In healthcare, a lot of B2B, only when member was making choice with plans, that necessitated the turn from sales to marketing. They see importance of seeing member journey, connecting with them in case management, integrate all information, reaching them, truly understadding member's needs. Dependency on data. Insurance companies building data hubs, feeding marketing, changing from sales mentality.

Brian: Through provider lens, they look at patient and looking to understand the journey but they don't know how to activate it. Lagging and deficient in certain areas. Patient presents, healed, sent away. We're trying to move to journey that never ends. We start developing real relationship, they trust our quality, the experience. That wholistic view is something that organizations like mine, we're just starting to cross that threshold.

Hans: CRM and other platforms promises 360-degree view of customers, patients. What are the challenges?

Shonel: inconsistent capture of data. Having systems that are at our disposal but lack of awareness from marketers that they exist. Purchasing tech aren't speaking to marketers to connected that gap. 

Justin: Before we get to CRM, who's our patient segmentation. Attitudes. Issue: we come up with attitudinal segments, but none is actionable from a marketing perspective. Especially in healthcare space, careful with HIPAA compliance. Getting involved earlier on in the process, making sure media is a big part of that. If we can't target them, is it really useful? 

Hans: One of the things we've done is analysis on verbatim search queries, align with attitudinal profiles. Build content based on language they use. Lot more content. FAQ page. Now we build 5, 10 version of FAQ page, each one based on how demo asked the question. We see different content placed in front of different audience based on search. Converts at a higher rate.

Justin: Outside of healthcare, search queries give you an inordinate amount of information. Social listening, people talk about their health. A gold mine. Helps us with targeting.

Brian: Silos, data accuracy. We've tried to ID who owns what. Some IT proprietary. Assigned owners, metrics to establish a dashboard, get on same page. Our communications objectives. Prior, that wasn't happening. No strategy. Pull IT, marketing, patient experts together, where are our metrics, realign resources to make it happen. Hospitals, doctors lack a lot of coordination, structure. Nearest, dearest next step.

Gabrielle: Developing segmentation, I ask what is the objective of the insight. How will you act on it? Attitudinal, primary resource, why people behave differently, you can't assign a person to a segment on your database. Behavioral segmentation helps you, but sometimes you don't understand the why. How to integrate? Syndicated segmentation is the link between attitudinal and behavioral. Segmentation is a strategic initiative. 

Brian: Question becomes how to do that, internal or outsource. We're bringing in a digital first agency. Start with strong baseline, then help us where our core segments are, competencies. Competitive advantage, leverage against that.

Hans: Any practical strategies for breaking down silos, finding data, get access?

Justin: Benefits to work with agencies. Often in position to see multiple approaches to data management. This is what should be done, this is what we need. Partners can help guide the conversation. Often, we'll come with data that show when you do this, it equals this. 

Brian: Our management knew what they didn't know. They wanted someone who knew what good could look like, this is how you get there. Our senior leaders in IT, CX get it. Anxious for somebody to stitch disparate pieces together. Creating picture of the future, laying in those tactical points to get there. Paint by numbers.

Shonel: Understanding how physicians like to get information, lays groundwork for media plans, budget, content, channels. When there is a lack of internal team to help with things like this, we rely on our agencies. We rely a lot on analytics partners. Help us make informed decisions on media plans and how we go to market.

Hans: Privacy concerns?

Gabrielle: At healthcare company, became friends with chief security officer. Understanding the space and reason that privacy laws are in place. I don't need the namer of the patient, just need to understand behavior. External data providers can give you the external info that you need. There are ways to get the information, be cognizant of how you are using it. Close relationship with security officer. Web scraping, a tech that helps you track words that you can analyze on back end. There are some regulations about that now. 

Shonel: With Facebook and GDPR, forced us to take a hard look at our cookie policies were, privacy policy on website, transparent. We consulted with our privacy officer to make sure we were covered. Consult with legal partners early and often. Seat at the table. Having them bought into what you're trying to do is helpful.

Brian: More about understanding condition and providing additional value to person. We keep a firewall to avoid creepiness factor. We don't want to speak specifically to their condition.

Video from this session will be available here tomorrow.

Source: social


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