Moderator Hans Kaspersetz, president and chief strategist, Arteric Panelists Gabrielle Bedewi, chief analytics officers, Butler/Till Brian Deffaa, CMO, LifeBridge Health Justin Freid, EVP, managing director, CMI/Compas Shonel Morrison, associate media director, AstraZeneca Hans: How to create life-changing experiences for people. Number of challenges. Few years ago we would spend time talking about things we couldn't do yet. On data, personalization, we're at that stage again. Privacy, siloing issues. Agree? Disagree? Justin: We've gotten over a big hump. In pharma space there was a lot of pushback. There are people internally that understand marketing, data. Great to have internal advocate to speak to regulatory. Now, most of pharma companies over that hump. Personalized messaging. We're definitely taking that next step. Shonel: working with regulatory partners, get them on your side, work on other folks later. People are more than just a patient, they're just like...